Friday, October 3, 2008

Some thoughts on this Palin character...

"My friends,"
After last night's Biden-Palin debate, I thought I'd post some thoughts about Palin and what I believe to be one of the most bizarre and dangerous candidacies in American history.

Truly, Ms. Palin did a good job last night. But come on, a good job for this candidate is an illustration of the ability not to "umm" and "ah" herself into a continuous circular statement about moose pies and bridges to mavericks, etc. If you haven't taken a look at the Couric interview, start here! Warning: you may need a drink to handle the fact that this person might become the next VP of the US.

A couple of points to consider:
1. Is it just me or does the fact that the only person that Ms. Palin tells us she has consulted about foreign policy is Henry Kissinger scare you? Kissinger, "American Diplomat": Vietnam anyone? Laos? Cambodia? Watergate? Hum... And all that talk about Joe looking to the past? What of Palin's foreign policy credentials being bolstered by a couple conversations with Dr. Kissinger? The Vietnam-Iraq comparisons are too easy at this point. Come on people, think.

2. "The line is drill, baby, drill..." Did you catch it? In this one line Palin has found an expression that allows her to continue to ignore the causes of global warming (the actions of man and womankind? 'watcha mean by that Gwen?') and front her "energy expertise." Drill, baby, drill? Are you kidding me with this stuff? Insert 10 years for actual fuel supplies to kick in and Palin's eye roll.

3. 'The VP's office is one that the constitution should grant more power' and it should be 'more flexible': Although not direct quotes (they're close), I'm pretty sure that she sides with Cheney on this one; who knows? She never really answered the question. This is where the danger part comes in. I hope that most Americans are waking up to the fact that though they might like Ms. Palin and her folkish attempts at being a populist, she is NOT prepared to serve as this nation's VP, or President for that matter. After last night, I even question what the Alaskans were thinking when they elected this character.