Monday, June 29, 2009

Fields Closed: Excuse Me?

Well hello there bloggers. I had an experience today that has motivated me to end the silence and return once more to the blog. You're glad, I know.

After a very, very long day behind my computer editing a review article, getting more reliable internet for the apt, and sending a variety of emails, LP and I decided to stretch our legs by playing a nice little game of frisbee. The two of us enjoy the game like many people our ages and often feel quite de-stressed after an hour or two of throwin' the ole' frisbee around. I particularly get a kick out of the occasional click of LP's ring on the disc when I hurl it at her, no less than 60mph.

Today's trip was especially needed. As I said, I had been working all day, LP had been mathin' it up today as well. So we headed to the IM fields where we discovered a sign that we had seen too many times before. It stated simply: "Fields Closed" and was accompanied by some yellow "do not cross" police tape. Given the fact that people were on other fields with similar signage/tapage, LP and I ventured down the hill and got our frisbee on. We were having a grand time when there came Mr. Regulation. Now, I'm not positive about this, but his attitude seemed to reveal him to be nothing short of a cranky, shifty-eyed Republican. Let me explain...

He came prissing down the hill (normally a character trait of angered liberals I have to admit) shouting simply this: "Uh, guys, the fields are closed. The sign is right there...and its roped off." Hmm, I thought, strange fellow. Guess we should go. Then while walking to the Blue Monster, LP and I noticed all the people on other fields that were clearly marked "closed." Ugh! Then, the electronic sign that gives field and cage hours of operation was flashing: "ALL FIELDS CLOSED" With that, I was off to find someone to whom I could voice my outrage. All LP could say was, "be nice" when we found the very same green shirted, blonde-headed BOY that had shouted at us earlier. And what was he doing? Watching a softball game on a field that was "closed"! He no doubt saw us coming...and braced himself (thinking, of course, what they told him at IM training...when confronted by individuals, hold your ground and blame someone else). I bid him hello and stated that I had a question. I pressed the young chap: if the sign out front said "ALL FIELDS CLOSED" why then were these people and about 50-75 others on other fields allowed to continue on when our frisbee time simply had to be cut short. His response was classic: "Well, I don't make the rules and your field was clearly closed and roped off and, uhh, the sign out front is managed by the guys that work during the day and I'm only here to enforce the rules..." I acknowledged that he was correct that the field we were on was in fact closed, but so were these. All I wanted was some justice, some equity, some fair play. I was clearly not going to get it from Brad the Republican Discriminating Regulator so I wished him a good night and we left.

Was this not an outrageous display of injustice? Who makes these rules? Who's with me? Sigh.



Jim said...

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore.

Unknown said...

oh Brad...what a boob.

Seth said...

I was having a nice calm day til I read this.

I second Jim's comment

me said...

Jim stole me line. But seriously, Brad sucks. Those shifty-eyed can't trust em.