Sunday, June 22, 2008

southern burning: life lessons from a trip home

I am not for sure whether getting an annual sunburn to initiate summer is in fact a southern cultural tradition but it is one that this southerner would like to shake. Yes, I am recovering from my annual self-inflicted sunburn and am not liking it one bit. Why it is that this seems to happen every year at about this time is beyond me. I like to think I am a rational person and intelligent enough to throw on some sunscreen to keep this from happening; but, no, didn't do it and now I am suffering through sleepless nights with the sensation that my skin may in fact peel off of my body leaving only muscle and bone.

With all that said, it was a 3:30 am this morning, awake from the sunburn blues, that I thought, "what other lessons has this trip home presented me with?" Here are a couple that you all can take or leave as you wish:

1. There ARE things that are more important than others and we all need to realize what those are in our own lives. Personally, I think throwing around a baseball and frisbee with my family (events that I'll cherish always) is ranked higher, by far, over finishing up whatever books I had scheduled for the day...

2. I need to step back more often, be still, and consider how blessed I am. Not that everything in life is great; but, come on TCH, its pretty good.

3. Absence really can make the heart grow fonder. Enough said.


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